Få det til at ske Podcast: Bør forandringsledelse handle om at gøre ny adfærd let eller om at gøre det lettere for folk at træffe deres egne valg?
Too busy or too lazy? You cannot get the insight if you are not willing to do the work. Reading. Thinking. Understanding. It takes time.
Zuckerberg flygter fra noget andet end vi tror Finans: Hvad gør man, når man har penge nok til at gøre præcis, hvad der passer én?
Decision-driven data I like data-driven decisions, but I like decision-driven data more. Decision-driven data is what you get when: Tech founders make a decision about - what kind of data to collect and NOT to collect Tech owners make a decision about - what kind of data to use and NOT to
Hvor bor hukommelsen? Min søn spiller klaver. Han har ikke modtaget meget undervisning, men han er god til det. Det er som om det kommer naturligt til ham. I går spurgte jeg ham, hvordan han husker melodierne - eller rettere, jeg spurgte, HVOR hukommelsen bor: I hovedet eller hænderne? Han svarede, at han
Finans: Vi har brug for virksomheder, der har brug for os 🎶 I dag er det miiiin fødselsdag, hurra hurra hurra! Jeg sikkert mig en gave får, som jeg har ønsket mig i år 🎶 - Eller også gør jeg ikke. Hvis der er noget, jeg har lært de første 44 år af mit liv, så er det, at jeg ikke bliver lykkelig
The real secret to making change easy - and why it's kept a secret My LinkedIn feed is crowded with people who want to help other people change their behavior. Thought leaders, people leaders, change agents, agile coaches, HR consultants. You all ask the same question: What is the best way to make people do something new? And you all choose between the same
Whatever you do, don't stop Why do children learn how to answer questions in school but not how to ask them? We spend decades learning how to answer questions about math, language, and science and not a single lesson on how to ask them. Why? My daughter says it is because everybody knows how to
Leaders have a lot to lose Fear of change is real. But it’s not the employees who fear change. It’s the leaders. It makes sense 👇 Research shows that a large component of fear of change is fear of loss. And leaders have a lot to lose: Status, influence, power, respect, high income. To achieve
Fear of asking questions Have you ever held back a question or an idea because you were afraid of how your leaders and colleagues might react? If you have, you are not alone. Research from Harvard Business School shows that 70% face barriers to asking more questions at work. But what are the barriers?