A child-machine was born
Unlike fictional child robots, real-life AI was not conceived and raised to connect us with our human nature. But maybe that's a mistake?

With ChatGPT's 1 year birthday coming up, I have written another long read about the assumptions that were built into AI from the very beginning.
In "A child-machine was born" I introduce Turing's brilliant idea of building a computer program that simulates the child's mind.
As he writes:
"If this were then subjected to an appropriate course of education one would obtain the adult brain.”
Like any responsible parent, Turing put a lot of thought into the shaping of his child-machine's personality and education.
And like any grown up, fundamental characteristics of the way AI behaves today can be traced back to this early upbringing.
Get to know our new artificial doctors, teachers, colleagues, etc. better, and understand how the nature of this all-encompassing technology affects our own nature here 👇