Why I love-hate digital technology What I love about digital technology I feel that I can be in several places at the same time. What I hate about digital technology I forget that I cannot be in several places at the same time.
Den hellige ko Hvilket dyr frygter du mest på din arbejdsplads: 🐍 Snogen - som du aldrig ved, hvor du har? 🦜 Papegøjen - som ukritisk gentager alt, hvad han hører? 🦁 Løven - der er rolig og rar, indtil han pludselig angriber? Personligt er jeg ikke i tvivl: Jeg frygter den hellige ko 🐄 Det er
Would your organization pass The Monkey Test? My favorite emojis are the little monkeys. And this weekend it occurred to me how perfectly they illustrate what happens when large organizations undergo a transformation. Whether it’s a digital, strategic or organizational transformation, employees go through four stages: 🙊Inactive They don’t talk about the transformation 🙈Reactive They
Want diversity? Forget being unbiased Spirit of the Times: "What do you do to ensure that your analyzes are unbiased?" Me: “I don't strive to make unbiased analyzes” Spirit of the Times: "But aren’t you afraid that there are too many assumptions behind your analyzes and recommendations then?"
Finans: Store virksomheder transformerer sig ihjel Det kan lyde som en selvmordsmission. Jeg er medejer af en lille startup, der hjælper store erfaringstunge virksomheder med at lykkes med deres digitale, strategiske og organisatoriske transformationer. Og så skriver jeg en klumme med titlen: Store virksomheder transformerer sig ihjel. Er det ikke at tage brødet ud af munden
The most important feedback "Hmm, I think we just received the most important feedback we could get." She could have said that. But she didn't. Instead she said: "We have promised people to run monthly surveys to get their feedback on how they perceive the transformation. The participation rate
"Du har ret. Jeg tog fejl" "Hej, det er mig - din chef. Jeg håber, du har haft en god weekend. Jeg ville bare lige ringe og sige, at du har ret. Jeg tog fejl." Går du og venter på sådan et opkald, venter du formentlig forgæves. I stedet genkender du måske dette: "
The questions that are never asked "Is agile the right thing for us right now?" I help large companies collect and analyze the questions their employees ask each other. But to be honest, I'm more curious about the questions employees do NOT ask. I look for things that cannot be questioned because
There is no such thing as "just asking" My mother-in-law is one of the most caring people I know. And she is always willing to help. Not that she tells us what to do. She would never do that. She just occasionally asks: “Have you ever thought about doing some gardening?” Or, “Wouldn’t it be nice with
"Er du overhovedet klar til at ændre mening?" Hun er genial. Min datter. Hendes far spurgte os, hvad vi synes om ideen om at plante et æbletræ i haven, og selvom vi havde stærke argumenter for, hvorfor det ville være bedre med et blommetræ, holdt han fast: Det skal være et æbletræ. Det fik min datter til at