Launching day!

2020 has been a year like no other.

Uncertainty has manifested itself in a way that has made it impossible for us to ignore the fact that uncertainty is and always will be part of being human.

This realization has caused a major shift in the way we think and talk about #life, #leadership, and #technology.

And I must admit: I love it ❤️

My 2020 motto has been: When nobody knows the answers, everybody must pay closer attention to the questions.

This motto applies to my work as a philosopher, executive advisor and tech founder. And it has turned my LinkedIn activity into a Question Log.

I have shared questions from the conversations I have had with amazing thinkers like Greg Satell, Imran Rashid, Tommy Ahlers and Christian Ørsted.

And I have been enlightened by 1000s of insightful questions and input to my columns in Finans, and my writings on Strategy and Culture.

I have no doubt that questions are here to stay.

So from now on I will keep a log on my new blog Pia’s Question Log.

No one knows what questions will define 2021, but if you subscribe to the blog, I promise to keep you posted 💌