🎄🗓 – Dec 24: What is your favorite question?

Each day in December, I have shared a question to inspire reflection and conversation:

  1. Why are you angry?
  2. Why is it that we so often answer questions with questions?
  3. Hvad er det klogeste, der er sagt om ledelse under corona?
  4. What would you do if success was guaranteed?
  5. Hvorfor beder Meny dig om at spørge efter ugens tilbud?
  6. What inspires you the most in what you do?
  7. Hvorfor stiller nogle mennesker mange spørgsmål og andre næsten ingen
  8. How do questions empower responsibility?
  9. Hvad kan du godt lide ved det spørgsmål?
  10. If we are learning by mistakes, why are we afraid of making them?
  11. How do you know when to ask a question?
  12. What is your favorite Christmas calendar?
  13. Why do we need a place for questions?
  14. What is the best way to pique curiosity?
  15. When is a good time to do a questionnaire?
  16. Hvornår føler du dig modig?
  17. Hvad skal vi tænke om mediernes spørgsmål?
  18. Hvorfor er det vigtigt at kende sit hvorfor?
  19. Hvorfor hører man så meget om drag queens og aldrig om drag kings?
  20. Hvad står øverst på din faglige ønskeseddel?
  21. Hvorfor drikker du alkohol?
  22. How am I supposed to do that?
  23. Who should ask the next question?
  24. What is your favorite question?

According to the number of views, reactions and comments on LinkedIn, "21. Hvorfor drikker du alkohol?" is your favorite question.

But LinkedIn is not designed to measure the quality of our reflections and conversations.

So, I hope you will contribute to this last door by writing a comment where you answer today's question:

What is your favorite question - in The Curious Christmas Calendar, but also in life as it is right now?

Thank you for a curious December and Merry Christmas ❤️